EC135 P2+
Bisher wurde diese zuverlässige Maschine ausschließlich durch unsere rot-weißen Luftretter geflogen und von unseren hochkompetenten Technikern im Part-145 Instandhaltungsbetrieb kontinuierlich gewartet. Demnächst könnten Sie mit ihr in den Himmel starten.
Wir selbst stellen bei unseren Verkäufen allerhöchste Ansprüche an Standards und Qualität. Darauf können Sie sich verlassen. Den erstklassigen Zustand des Hubschraubers erzielen wir unter anderem durch sogenannte Parts-by-the-hour(PBH)-Vereinbarungen mit den Herstellern für die Hubschrauberzelle und die Triebwerke.
Und wir vertrauen bis zum heutigen Tag auf den zuverlässigen Dienst dieser Maschine: Unsere Luftretter leisten mit ihr weiterhin lebensrettende Einsätze.
Sie haben Interesse? Kontaktieren Sie unser Sales-Team!
Technical Sales Manager
DRF Stiftung Luftrettung gemeinnützige AG
Laval Avenue E312
77836 Rheinmünster
Telefon: +49 (0) 711 7007 3000
Zusätzliche Ausstattung
Aircraft operated at DRF Luftrettung for EMS since new only. Maintained by DRF-Luftrettung maintenance organization, with airframe and engine manufacturers PBH, nontransferable contract (nose to tail).
EMS Equipment:
- Swiss Aerolite Max Bucher AG, P/N 135405-502 with Integral Floor. EASA STC R.S.00397
Certified for:
- Single Pilot VFR
Installed Options:
- Long boarding steps, LH and RH
- Maintenance built-in steps and grips
- Two hinged cockpit doors with sliding window
- Map case in pilot's and copilots door
- Two wide passenger sliding doors
- Sliding Windows in Sliding Doors
- Longitudinally adjustable energy absorbing pilot and copilot seats with head rest and 4-point safety belts
- with automatic locking system
- Interior paneling with integrated basic sound insulation
- Central Panel Display System (CPDS), consisting of:
- - Caution Advisory Display (CAD)
- Vehicle and Engine Management Display (VEMD) - Pitot / static system with electrical heated pitot tube, pilot side
- Provisions for Co-Pilot Pitot and Static System
- Static pressure crossover system
- Bleed air heating system
- Starter/Generator, 2x 200A/28V DC instead of standard Sta/Gen
- Battery, type “Saft ULM“, 40 Ah, 24 V instead of standard battery
- Tinted Sun shades for cockpit windshield roof section
- Windshield Wiper System
- Window in clam-shell door, LH
- Rotor Brake System
- Dual Control System
- Engine compressor wash kit
- Fuzz Burner for Engines
- Settling Protectors – fixed provisions and detachable parts
- Snow Skids fixed Provivsions
- White Strobe lights
- Fixed landing light in Nose
- Search and Landing Light 400W/200W
- Single Hand Latching Device for Clamshell Doors
- Multifunction handle on main gear box cowling LH & RH
- Illuminated Chart Holder on Pilot Side
- Engine fire extinguishing system
- Mastmoment indication
Mission Equipment & Additional Modifications:
- EuroAvionics - EuroNav RN6 - CM Map Generator System Installation
- EuroAvionics - EuroNav RN6 - 10" Inch AVALEX Monitor
- EuroAvionics - EuroNav RN6 - Bluetooth Tastatur
- Skytrac ISAT-100 Airborne Position/ Data Communication System
- ISEI Helicom Usage Monitoring System with GSM Transmission
- ISEI Helivib Vibration Monitoring System
- FDC / Aerofilter - Inlet Barrier Filter System
- 2nd portable fire extinguisher
- Modified NACA Air Intake
- VHF NAV / COMM System (8.33 kHz Spacing) – Garmin GTN650 / GNC 255B
- ACAS Collision Avoidance System
- Pulsing Lights
- Flarm
- GPS EuroAvioncs RN6CM
- DME Bendix King KDM 706A
- MKR Bendix King KR-21
- Radio Alt Bendix King KRA405B
- XPDR Bendix King MST 67A
- ELT Artex C406-2HM
- Audio Control Becker AS 3100 (3 Intercom Stations)
- ISAT SkyTrac ISAT-100
- FLARM Air Avionics AT-1
The helicopter is operating actively to date, hence the condition and component status will be subject to changes. Varification of the condition of the aircraft and its components shall be the responsibility of the purchaser.
- Part-145 German Approval. DE145.0033 - R12 20.05.2020 (1,68MB)
- DRF MOE Appendix 1 Capability List (CAPLIST)_Rev.4_25.01.2021 (0,85MB)
- Approval Certificate 266DOA (0,53MB)
- Approval Certificate 266DOA (0,69MB)
- EURAMI Accreditation (0,26MB)
- MO Approval Certificate Ukraine (1,81MB)
- P145 Approval Russia No. 285-17-027, Revision 2017 (0,93MB)
- P145 Approval Russia Translation No. 285-17-027, Revision 2017 (0,07MB)
- EN9001 Zertifikat (0,30MB)
- EN9001 Zertifikat (0,30MB)